Thursday, September 4, 2008

Something that has come up when considering a Thesis topic and resulting project- brought out by the manifesto assignment- is HOW odd or how outlandish can this idea or theory be? In our first class we discussed how we will need to consult codes and such when designing our project, but what if our theory goes against many of the zoning bylaws and codes in place? What if... say we feel that some of these are impositions and are actually detrimental to architecture and design. What would happen if I were to argue that some of the greatest spaces were designed without regulations and pre-planning simply for the fact that the designers and builders were forced to rely entirely upon emotion and an inherent sense of space and function. What if I wanted to argue against these "progressions" for a more 'basic' and creative project.

Are we able to ignore the existing regulations and standards for a totally idealogical or fanciful view of what architecture could/ should be?

1 comment:

luis said...

you say: "what if i wanted to argue against these "progressions" for a more 'basic' and creative project"...

then, do it... argue for it. don't compromise your principles.

the beginnings should be open/open ended... pregnant with possibilities. codes, structure, etc. should not matter... ideas come first.

be free and polemical... start strong so that the energy is strong throughout the project. later, we figure how to make it real.

great architecture does that. strong ideas, realized.